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Zambia deploys troops to quell gas attacks by criminal gangs

Zambia deploys troops to quell gas attacks by criminal gangs The attackers spray a gas that makes their targets dizzy, according to local media reports. Zambia  has deployed soldiers to suppress a wave of attacks on civilians by gangs using a special gas to immobilise their victims. "The president has directed the army to be on the streets," Vice President Inonge Wina told legislators on Friday during parliamentary question time in the capital, Lusaka. More: The move to send the military into the streets came after the assaults prompted panicked rioting, the lynching of three suspected attackers on Thursday and a  warning  from the United States embassy. The criminal gangs spray a gas that makes their targets dizzy before they attack, according to local media reports. "We cannot continue to see people being terrorised," Wina said. "These are terrorists' crimes that the state must respond to in a manner that befit

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